Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Raymond Namyst is the head of the LaBRI-CNRS “SATANAS” (Runtime systems and algorithms for high performance numerical applications) research team (about. 50 people) that includes the Bacchus , Hiepacs , Phoenix and Runtime Inria groups.

Raymond Namyst was chairing the scientific committee of the ANR “Numerical Models” program for the 2011-2013 period.

Raymond Namyst serves as an expert for the following initiatives/institutions:

  • ETP4HPC (http://www.etp4hpc.eu/ , in 2013) ;

  • CEA/DAM (as a “scientific expert” for the 2008-2012 period) ;

  • ORAP (ORganisation Associative du Parallélisme, since 2013) ;

  • CEA-EDF-Inria School technical committee (since 2009) ;

  • GENCI (http://www.genci.fr/?lang=en , since 2009) ;

Raymond Namyst was a program committee member of the following international conferences: SC’13, PACT 2013, ROSS 2013, ICPP 2013, CASS 2013; CCGrid 2013, PPAM 2013.

Raymond Namyst gave invited talks at the following international conferences/workshops: SC'13 (Birds of a Feather on "Dynamic Exascale Runtime Systems"), ORAP 2013 ("Programming Heterogeneous Architectures").

Samuel Thibault was a program committee member of IPDPS 2014

Brice Goglin was a program committee member of EuroMPI 2013, Hot Interconnects 2013, HIPC 2013.

Brice Goglin organized the CEA-EDF-Inria summer school on Programming Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures in Cadarache (June 2013).

Guillaume Mercier was program committee member of EuroMPI 2013.

Olivier Aumage was reviewer for the ACM TACO journal and for the EuroPar 2013, ICPP 2013, ROSS 2013, and IPDPS 2014 conferences and workshops. He also reviewed one project submission for the 2013 ANR MN funding call. He is part of the Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest committee for scientific event fundings.

Olivier Aumage was an invited teacher for the European COST-funded ComplexHPC school in Uppsala, Sweden. He also was an invited speaker at the International Conquest Workshop organized by the Theoretical Chemistry and Modeling Group of the Institute for Molecular Science from the University of Bordeaux.

Emmanuel Jeannot was program committee member for: Euro-MPI 2013, CCGRID 2013, Heteropar 2013, PPAM 2013, IPDPS 2014.

Emmanuel Jeannot is member of the steering committee of Euro-Par and Cluster.

Emmanuel Jeannot is associate editor of the International Journal of Parallel and Emergent Distributed Systems.

Emmanuel Jeannot was reviewer for the following journals: JPDC, IEEE TPDS, Parallel Computing.

Emmanuel Jeannot has given an invited talk at the JLPC in Urbana and at the ComplexHPC Spring School 2013 on "Heterogeneous computing - impact on algorithms - ".

Denis Barthou was program committee member for: Euro-Par 2013, IPDPS 2013, PROPER 2013, UCHPC 2013. He is part of the Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest committee for Young Researchers. He is member of the Governing Board of the LaBRI and of the board of directors of the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux (IPB). Denis Barthou is scientific expert for the Exascale Computing Research Laboratory (since 2009).